Across the Sky

Expressing appreciation for the unique experience of photographing nudes, Jason Lee highlights the profound connection between vulnerability and beauty. Through the lens, vulnerability transforms into joy, freedom, and raw emotion, capturing fearless expressions of humanity. “Soli Deo Gloria” encapsulates the reverence for this profound experience, acknowledging the beauty as a reflection of divine glory.

“I probably say it more than people want to hear, but there’s just a specialness to shooting nudes with people. The vulnerability leads to joy, to freedom, to raw beautiful emotion and fearlessness. Soli Deo Gloria,” says Jason.

Currency of Grace


EmH made a remarkable debut in modeling during a photoshoot under a concrete bridge by the river, brilliantly captured by Jason Lee. The diffused light bouncing off the sand accentuated her features, highlighting her natural beauty. Despite being her first time, EmH’s artistic sensibilities shone through, delighting Jason with her adeptness, leaving a humorous tale to be shared in person.

There’s a funny story with this shoot, but it’s best told in person. The way the light diffused under the bridge, as it bounced off the sand, was just outstanding! I love how it bounced in her eyes and highlighted her features. Even though this was her first time modeling, I couldn’t have been more pleased with how adept Em was. Maybe it’s because she’s also an artist?

Jason Lee

This is the Day


Model ErinK joins photographer Jason Lee to explore an enchanting one-lane bridge over a serene river during golden hour. Despite the bustling surroundings, Erin’s professionalism shines through, complemented by her infectious laughter and radiant smile, creating a memorable shoot amidst nature’s tranquil beauty.

Erin and I went and checked out this amazing old one lane bridge over a little river. It was golden hour, but boy was the area busy! She was a pro and has an infectious laugh and smile.

Jason Lee

Erin’s thoughts?

I feel so liberated in my own body! 10 out of 10, I recommend!


Here’s a video interview I did with Erin. Her smile is so beautiful!

In the Colors of Your Goodness

MODEL / Dani

In the harsh light of a canyon with sparse foliage, Jason Lee and Dani adapted creatively to their surroundings during their artistic nude shoot. With the sun beating down, they sought refuge in the shade provided by rocks and the occasional scraggly bush or tree. Despite the challenging conditions, they embraced the opportunity to innovate, using the natural elements to their advantage. Against this rugged backdrop, they found moments of beauty and serenity, capturing Dani’s form amidst the contrasting play of light and shadow. Through Jason’s lens, their resourcefulness and adaptability were immortalized, transforming the limitations of their environment into opportunities for creative exploration and expression.

Can Life Be New

MODEL / Hannah

“[Modeling nude] is the most powerful thing to do.” – Hannah

Discover the empowering journey of Hannah, shared through intimate conversations with photographer Jason Lee. Delve into her experience overcoming personal battles post-sexual assault, reclaiming confidence through nude modeling. Explore themes of vulnerability, self-love, and societal perceptions in this compelling interview series.

Hannah is a treasure. We have worked together on several occasions and on the drive out to our most recent shoot, I got to ask her a few questions and she agreed to allow me to record our conversation and share it. She wanted to share with me about how the experience of shooting nude with Genesis Modeling and Photography has helped her overcome personal battles following sexual abuse. It was a long conversation and so we’ll break it up into a few chapters. We talk about some heavy topics, so if that triggers you, be forewarned. Hannah and I were privileged to shoot together on multiple occasions and this interview is excerpted from an audio-recorded session.
Jason Lee

Here are some excerpts from our interview:

Jason: Can you describe how shooting nude helped you after being assaulted? You called it something like “taking back who you are?

Hannah: I think after [the assault] happens you kind of lose a sense of yourself, and you just kind of think like, okay, well if that’s all I’m really going to be used for, then maybe that’s all I’m only meant for…. It sounds kind of pitiful I guess, but at the same time, it’s like I went through something and came out basically feeling broken.

And so to be able to gain that confidence and vulnerability back in a good way, it’s just, it’s such a relief-feeling to know that you can still love yourself after that happened to you. That it was not your fault. And I think a lot of people that are victims of those things blame themselves, or they’re like, well, what if I just didn’t go to that party? Or what if I just didn’t have that drink? You know what I mean? And it’s being comfortable again with your body. Like literally, I could just never look at myself naked. It took so long for me to be to do that.

J: Why do you think that was?

H: I felt like it was my fault and I was stressing: how did I let that happen to me? And then I had to realize like a lot of things are out of my control and that I didn’t choose to have that happen. I needed to let it “break you or make you.” I told myself that it’s fine to have the grieving process, but you have to get on your feet sooner or later.

One of my friends is a rape victim as well. And it’s just crazy to think like how often it happens. And then when it happens to you, you reach out to other people and you find out that’s happening a lot more. It changes your perspective, I guess a little bit. So you don’t feel so alone.

J: So by sharing your story, embracing community, it gives you power over…

H: Yeah. It’s basically like, OK, you took that part away from me, but you’re not going to take away the rest. Like you’re not going to take me away from myself. Yeah, for a moment, you tore my identity apart, but now that I found out who I am, again, it’s like, you can’t touch me anymore.

If I can embrace nudity in a non-sexual way, then it’s like, what else is there to see? I think it’s very empowering for us to embrace being comfortable naked.

I think a lot of people are very immature and I admit that I also struggled with insecurity for sure, especially after what happened. I thought no one would ever look at me the same way if I told them what had happened. But being able to look at yourself in a better way – being able to see yourself naked pushes you to realize that it doesn’t really matter how the other people think. It’s how you feel about yourself.

J: Do you think that rape is more about the physical or about the emotional?

H: I think it’s definitely both. Personally, I feel like every rapist, even if they don’t want to extend it, they definitely feel remorse for what they did. Although there are some people that don’t feel that emotion like that, but I think the majority of people do understand that their actions cause pain. My rapist – He tried reaching out afterwards, like after a month and apologizing, but honestly, I just didn’t really want to hear it. I appreciate him understanding that what he did was wrong, but I don’t want any communication of that because it was his choice to do it.

I think people that feel the need to do that didn’t get the love that they needed growing up and they searched for it in the wrong way. They don’t get it from the ways that they’re searching either, because they go out and hurt someone and take away their happiness.

J: How do you think that society contributes to the environment of allowing or promoting rape?

H: I think it should be harder [on rapists]. So I think there’s the legal part where a lot of people that rape don’t get in trouble. It’s very rare for a rapist to go to jail, or anyway for a long time, or a real reprimand or consequence for their actions — whether it’s a female or male, you know, it can come from both ways.  So I think that because of the way you view community and sex and stuff like that, like if you go onto like porn sites, a lot of it — it’s very rough — like not what real sex is. And I think people that don’t experience healthy ways of experiencing sexuality and nudity and being subjected to nudity very often have a difficult time distinguishing what’s right and wrong when it comes to sex. I think society play a huge part in that though. Especially now, if you go on social media, it’s all about girls’ bodies. Like it’s never about like personality or who they are, which might sound cheesy. But like, I feel like nowadays people shop for girls — or men as well — like it’s very subjective.

And I think society needs to do a better job at allowing helpful nudity. So I feel like if we subject everyone to more nudity, I don’t think [sexualizing] nudity would be a huge thing anymore. Like rape would still happen obviously, but I don’t think it would be as severe as it is now.

J: That brings up an interesting question to me: Does sharing nude photographs on social media help people see more normalcy of nudity to you? Or does it add into that shopping culture?

H: I think it definitely depends on how the nudity is being portrayed because you can take two different types of nude photos. You can make sexual nudes, or you can take artistic nudes. Like a girl eating a banana while wearing lingerie is likely insinuating something there. But like, for example, your photo of me, nude near a waterfall, definitely not sexual, it’s just nude.

You know what I mean? Like there’s a difference between sex and nude. And I think we have a hard time distinguishing that in society. And as soon as they see a naked person, they’re like, Oh my gosh, sex, that’s the first thing we are taught to think about. But instead, why, like, why do we think that way?  Why can’t we think of it as just like an art form? And I mean, that’s what it is. We’re all born naked.

J: How did seeing yourself in the photos adjust your outlook?

H: I think a lot of what follows after sexual assault, is a lot of shame. And guilt. And I just wonder, like, why me? To get over that, you just really have to be vulnerable again with yourself. Like I literally never thought I’d be able to look at myself naked again, after the whole thing happened. And then like doing that shoot, I was like, why am I so scared? Like, I’m not going to die if I’m naked. Like nothing bad’s gonna happen!

J: What do you think the mental switch was?

H: I think I just stopped. Like I just stopped allowing my past to determine who I am as a person and as my future. I just allowed myself to embrace who I was and it just felt so good to just be who I was again. And being naked at our shoot was kind of like a turning point for me. I don’t know if it’s the vulnerability aspect or like having the ability to be in a safe place and feel that emotion as well and not be scared. It’s just a really great feeling.

J: Any closing thoughts?

H: I want more people to shoot nude! I don’t know why people don’t just go for it when considering a nude shoot. You know? Honestly, like it’s scary at first, and then when you do it, it’s just like the most powerful thing to do. And it’s just, why was I scared in the first place? It’s like not even worth being afraid about. It’s like everything worked out great. And you learn to love yourself again. 100%.

Stay Tuned for Chapter II.

24 Skies


Model Joy, alongside photographer Jason Lee, ventured to a secret location in Idaho for a photoshoot near the Sawtooth Mountains. Joy’s reaction to the resulting images was overwhelmingly positive; she found them stunning and they brought her immense joy, as evidenced by her enthusiastic response upon viewing them. Here was Joy’s reaction to the photos:

“I just looked at them and omg ? they are beautiful! I love then so much and they made me smile so much!!!”

Joy S

We Are Fire

MODEL / Hannah G

In the heart of a wintery canyon, Hannah G and Jason Lee embark on a daring photoshoot amidst freezing temperatures. Undeterred by the cold, Hannah fearlessly climbs rocks, embracing the adventure. After witnessing the stunning results, she expresses awe and gratitude, especially for conquering her fear and discovering newfound confidence. Enamored by the harmonious blend of shapes and nature, she embraces nudism with a fresh perspective, cherishing the art of creation and sharing it with others.

The backdrop: A fascinatingly unique water-and-wind-carved canyon that can only be accessed in the wintertime. Even though it was 22 degrees Fahrenheit, Hannah braved the weather, climbing rocks and bracing through the cold as we worked quickly through the area.

Jason Lee

Here are Hannah’s thoughts, after seeing the results:

“Sooo those pictures turned out absolutely amazing!!! I think a couple of my favorites would be of me on that rock that I was terrified of climbing! They look so good. Thank you for giving me the confidence to do it! I can’t get over how amazing they are! I love how the shapes just flow so well and there are a couple of other ones where I blend in with the rocks and it’s beautiful. I love sharing this art with people and creating it with people like you. I honestly never thought of nudism the way I do now and I’m so happy to be a part of the movement!”

Hannah G

Where’s My Soul?

MODEL / Janna G

Enduring a chilly and windswept morning, Janna G and Jason Lee embarked on an adventure to North America’s largest sand dune. Despite the harsh conditions, Janna’s resilience shone through as she delivered a deeply moving performance, channeling the raw emotions stirred by the rugged environment. Her heartfelt response to the shoot— “They turned out AMAZING!”— speaks volumes about the success of their collaboration. Through Jason’s lens, the beauty of Janna’s strength and the raw power of nature were immortalized, creating a series of photographs that captured the essence of their unforgettable adventure.

With the Sunshine

MODEL / Jessie Jane

In the second half of our shoot, (see first shoot here), we ventured to a dry waterfall perched on a cliff, overlooking a stunning gorge. Jessie Jane candidly recounts her initial fear, gradually replaced by a sense of courage and connection with the rocky landscape. As she immersed herself in the surroundings, she reflected on the significance of personal history and the pursuit of inspiration and beauty. Becoming a canvas for art, Jessie embraced the freedom and joy it brought to her heart. Grateful for the experience, she acknowledges Jason’s role in empowering her journey of self-discovery.

Here’s what Jessie Jane had to say:

Legit, when I went out in these rocks near a cliff, it was pretty scare. I was definitely collecting my courage on this part of the rocks. My hands tingle as i remember it. As I relaxed and knew I would never be put in any real danger, I formed with the rock around me. Working in the tunnel made me want to reach high in all things. What will your history be? Of inspiration and beauty or opposite? I very much enjoy being a canvas for art. So fun and it sets my heart free. I want to take a moment and thank Jason for this shoot. It’s done nothing but bring me out.

Jessie Jane

Coming in Clear

MODEL / Jessie Jane

In a transformative journey of self-discovery, Jessie Jane embraces her femininity and reclaims her identity with Genesis Modeling and Photography. Amidst the natural beauty of rocks and water, she finds solace and empowerment, realizing the essence of self-love and acceptance. Through Jason’s lens, she rediscovers her natural beauty and athleticism, embracing her uniqueness with pride. Immersed in nature’s embrace, Jessie becomes one with her surroundings, embracing her worth and unleashing her inner beauty and strength. Her words resonate with the essence of self-assurance and authenticity, reflecting a profound connection to the world around her.

Jessie Jane wanted an opportunity to to reclaim what was hers, that is, her femininity — her rights to herself — and she thought shooting with me was just that ticket to freedom she needed. I couldn’t agree more.

Jason Lee

Here’s what she had to say about our shoot:

Sometimes you need to take a break from the world. Be yourself. Love yourself. Accept yourself, your natural beauty, go back to the basics.

On that day it was as if these rocks were perfectly molded for me, the water was beautiful (and chilly but hey), but on that day I was more than just a model. I am someone who finally loves and accepts herself. I cannot go on in life without positivity.

No words can explain how amazing the view was where Jason took me to shoot. Oh the nature around me ❤ I can look over this beautiful world and know that my artistic ways don’t stop here.

One funny thing I was thinking after seeing the results was, ‘I’m proud of my athletic bootay!’ and I can always work hard and always improve.

I became one with nature that day, I accepted myself and had to face the truth that I am who I am. Wanting to be like anyone else just made me sad. I am of worth, and made with beauty and I couldn’t be happier ❤.

So feel the beauty, be the beauty, become the beauty. This is where I let my heart free, and allowed my soul to fly. I know my worth and it has never gone away.

Jessie Jane

See Part II of our shoot here.

The More We Learn the Less We Know


In an abandoned rock quarry, amidst January’s embrace, Ashley Rose stands as a testament to resilience and determination. Undaunted by challenges, she fearlessly confronts them head-on, emerging victorious. Against a backdrop of sun-drenched snow and fur-lined splendor, Ashley’s spirit shines brightly, embodying strength and triumph as she captivates the lens with her undeniable presence.

Ashley is an overcomer who isn’t afraid to face her challenges, organize them and tackle each one until she is victorious. And she rocked it! Pun intended 😉

Jason Lee

Out of Mysteries


In the rugged ambiance of the Classic Junkyard, Jason Lee captures the multifaceted essence of Raven. With her piercing gaze and tough exterior, Raven exudes strength, yet beneath lies a heart of softness and warmth. Jason skillfully showcases her dynamic personality, highlighting her sense of humor amidst the vintage relics. Through his lens, Raven’s complexity shines, immortalized in a series of captivating shots.

Raven has a tough exterior, piercing eyes and a softness of heart. She’s got a great sense of humor, too!

Jason Lee

Redemption’s Side


Lindsey K returns for her second shoot with Jason Lee, marking a celebration of her resilience and triumph over life’s challenges. A true warrior and survivor, Lindsey’s spirit shines through as she embraces the opportunity to capture her major life victories through photography. With each click of the camera, Jason honors Lindsey’s strength, portraying her as the rock star she truly is.

This was my second shoot with Lindsey. She’s a warrior and I’m glad to celebrate victories with her.

Jason Lee

Cause We Know Life is Short


In a spontaneous turn of events, Megan, who had accompanied her friend Ellie on a shoot with Photographer Jason Lee, embarked on a memorable shoot together. Amidst the natural beauty of the outdoors, they embraced nudity with a sense of freedom and connection to nature. Despite the smoky skies from nearby forest fires, the resulting images exuded a captivating moodiness, adding depth to their experience and creating stunning visual compositions.

Sometimes a model’s friend will decide to tag along on a shoot. This was one of those occasions and, as often happens, both girls end up in front of the camera! Ellie and Megan and I had such fun on this shoot. It’s just great to experience nudity in nature, just as God intended.

Jason Lee

Where’s Your Heart At Now?


Embarking on a unique and daring adventure, KC Heart and Jason Lee dive into the bustling world of a busy library for a shoot filled with excitement and potential. With an adventurous spirit and readiness for the unexpected, they capture timeless and captivating juxtapositions, blending the beauty of the human form with the wisdom contained within the library’s tomes of literature and science.

This is a shoot I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but it takes the right kind of adventurer to pull it off! Busy library? Check. Potential for it to go sideways? Check. Ready to do it? Check!  KC and I hit not one, but TWO libraries to get these shots. Enjoy!

Jason Lee

Dreaming Out Loud


Braving the chill of the Great Boise Snopocalypse, we ventured into a winter wonderland to capture some truly magical moments. Despite the frozen streets and slippery conditions, our determination and sense of adventure prevailed as we made photographic history in the snow-covered parkland.

Amidst the frosty landscape, we crafted stunning shots that radiated E B’s unique energy and style. And as if on cue, God treated us to a glimpse of the beauty of the winter wonderland with the appearance of a majestic deer.

It was 15 degrees! Most people were staying indoors, but E B and I thought it was a fine time to navigate Snopocalypse through the frozen solid streets to a beautiful parkland. Mix in one part adventure, two parts motivation and we knocked out some stunning shots in the snow!

Jason Lee

 Ready to create more unforgettable memories together? Contact us.

Til I Read Your Lips


After months of occasional online correspondence, Dineka and Jason Lee finally align schedules for an unforgettable shoot. Despite living hours apart, Dineka’s impromptu New Year’s Eve visit to Boise provides the perfect opportunity to capture stunning images amidst the snow-covered landscape. Their collaboration amid the winter wonderland yields truly epic results, immortalizing the magic of the moment through Jason’s lens.

We got to shoot in the snow! Can you say epic? Check out this behind-the-scene snow cartwheel below! Dineka is a brave, fun and gutsy lady!

Jason Lee

Beyond the Setting Sun

MODEL / Anonymous

In an intimate exploration of self-acceptance and liberation, a model reflects on her experience in a nude photoshoot by Jason Lee. She eloquently shares her journey of reconnecting with her natural form, emphasizing the purity of the soul and the beauty of the human body. Defying societal norms, she embraces freedom and advocates for the celebration of our innate physicality. Through vulnerability, she finds empowerment and urges others to embrace their bodies without shame.

Here’s what the model wrote about our shoot:

My soul lies right between the earth and my body. Or maybe it is a mixture of the two. I was always intrigued by the human body, and was always interested in the strange argument behind why humans shame other humans for letting our bodies be free.
I’ve always believed that our most natural form is the most important form for us to embrace.  To completely love ourselves, we have to start from the purity of the soul, and pay close attention to the shell that it lives in, which is our bodies.
When I was given the opportunity to do a nude photoshoot, I wouldn’t say it’s something that had crossed my mind before. But I also saw it as an opportunity for me as a human to practice the way of life we were originally created in, as humans.
It will always be nerve wrecking, to do the things that society now shames us for… to do the things the world makes us think is wrong.
But never in my life, did I ever feel so alive, so raw, so natural.
Standing there, in my pure, natural form, I found my body & soul connecting more and more to the earth around me.
Slowly, I felt it all become ONE. I found myself sinking into the earth, as if it’s all my body had ever known. I was stripped of all the restrictions that society had me drowning in.
I felt free, and that’s what it’s about. It’s about finding freedom — showing  the world that our bodies are the most unharmful things. Though our minds can be corrupted, but our bodies are merely just a build up of bones, skin, fat. They are natural, they are real, & instead of being shamed and sexualized, they should be glorified for the beauty they are, and the beauty of being human.
We humans need to take back the one thing we have to take pride in, and it’s what we were born with, and given as a gift. These shells our souls walk in, are not to be shamed, we need to accept them with open, bare arms. We need to accept them, love them, and set them free.
It is a different view than what the world is used to today, but it’s the most beautiful view, from the inside and out. 

Anonymous, but Forever Changed

Life Begins at the Intersection

MODEL / Meagan

In the serene surroundings of the Boise National Forest, Jason Lee captures the essence of Meagan’s first-time nude shoot. Meagan reflects on the experience, describing it as simultaneously freeing and terrifying, yet ultimately empowering. She challenges societal norms around body shame and the sexualization of nudity, advocating for self-acceptance and the celebration of individual beauty. Through her words, Meagan encourages others to embrace their uniqueness and allow their true selves to be seen, echoing the sentiment that everyone deserves to feel liberated and appreciated in their own skin.

Meagan and I actually chatted for a few years before this shoot took place. We were finally able to get our schedules aligned and I took her to a little place I like to call Burnt Creek. It had been ravaged by a forest fire at least a decade ago, but life is slowly returning to the area. This was Meagan’s first shoot and it turned out really special. You can’t fake the joy that fills a person’s spirit when they connect with beauty and being seen as a whole person, just as created.


“Participating in a nude shoot is one of the most freeing, yet terrifying experiences… but only because it’s doing something you’ve NEVER done. Being comfortable in front of a camera with clothes can be challenging, so a nude shoot really opens your mind to many possibilities. The human body is beautiful and is only sexualized because we body shame and hide ourselves away, constantly. I am grateful for clothes during the right circumstances, (like weather conditions or formal gatherings) however, I strongly believe hiding ourselves so much and all the time, has in truth also enabled us to hide away… not only our unique bodies, but also our minds. Allow Beauty TO BE SEEN. EVERYONE IS UNIQUE!”


Brighter Than the Pain

MODEL / Crystal

In a poignant collaboration, Jason Lee embarks on his first “Trash the Dress” shoot with model Crystal. Amidst the backdrop of grief, Crystal bravely utilizes the session as a form of therapy, allowing Jason to capture the raw beauty of her emotions. Through the lens, they explore the cathartic journey of processing loss, demonstrating that love triumphs over pain. Crystal’s vulnerability and courage shine through, leaving a heartfelt imprint on the photos captured during this deeply meaningful experience.

It was such a blessing to be a part of this trauma-healing experience. Have you used art to process emotions?

Jason Lee