Daughters of Eve Photography Book by Jason Lee - Cover Art

Daughters of Eve, Volume 1


“Daughters of Eve” Volume 1 by Jason Lee is a captivating collection of artistic nude photographs spanning 2006 to 2012. Through Lee’s lens, women from diverse backgrounds embrace their natural form, defying societal norms and revealing the timeless allure of femininity. From all walks of life, each image celebrates the unique beauty of every Daughter of Eve. This anthology invites viewers on a journey of self-discovery and appreciation, highlighting the inherent strength and beauty found within each individual. 

It’s exciting to create this first collection of the early years of my work. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it!

Jason Lee

To purchase the book, click here.

artistic nude photo on a bullet-riddled old truck by Jason Lee

Let’s Go Higher


Embarking on a photographic adventure, Jason Lee and model Naddy stumbled upon an unexpected treasure trove of abandoned International Metro Milk Trucks while en route to their original shoot location. Captivated by the serendipitous discovery, they seized the opportunity to incorporate these unique relics into their creative vision. Against the backdrop of the rusty, shot-up panel van, Naddy provided a striking contrast, adding an element of allure and mystery to the scene. Embracing the spontaneity of the moment, they ventured into daring terrain to capture images that merged the beauty of the human form with the ruggedness of the abandoned vehicles. Through Jason’s lens, the fusion of Naddy’s presence with the forgotten remnants of the past resulted in a series of captivating photographs that celebrated the spirit of adventure and the power of artistic expression.

On our way to shoot at a spectacular (and unique) location, I accidentally passed the turnoff. When coming back, I happened to look down and see some old International Metro Milk Trucks that had been abandoned and shoved off of a cliff, down in a valley below. It looked like a perfect addendum to our shoot! I love contrasting models with scrapped classic cars, so we couldn’t pass up this providential opportunity. Naddy was a wonderful contrast to the rusty, shot-up panel van. How fun it was to join up for an adventure and risk some daring terrain to make some amazing art.

Jason Lee

black and white implied nude photograph Copyright Jason Lee

Meant to Live


To put it lightly, Beth was a little wary at the idea of shooting nude (“Nudity is not my scene,” she said), but she saw something special in my art and decided she would at least consider some implied nude shots. We met up at a local park and started off with some flowing outfits she had brought and used an ancient cottonwood tree for our first setting, then moved on to a country lane near a shallow river, discussing body positivity and the perfect beauty of God’s human masterpieces.

When we got to the river, Beth decided to risk a little more and ventured out in front of the camera into the breeze with only a large decorated scarf. Shortly, the fabric was flapping in the wind and Beth was dancing with exhilaration. She had discovered a new-found freedom, that of being nude in nature. Something changed in that instant and her fears were gone. The remainder of the shoot was filled with laughter and light, as her inhibitions at being nude were gone and she embraced her fullness as a beautiful creation of God.

Here’s what Beth had to say after our shoot: “I had so much fun! I LOVE THEM!!! I am so obsessed. My friends are so obsessed!! Those ones on the beach with the scarf are KILLER.”

And then a few weeks later, I got this sweet message: “Hey!! Just wanted to tell you that you’ve seriously changed my life! I’m SO comfortable with being nude now! I wanted to thank you because I feel so free now!”

We were meant to live in this life. I’m glad Beth has embraced that discovery!

Danya - artistic nude photo of a woman perched on the side of a river

Listen to the Sound


Recalling their dynamic collaboration, photographer Jason Lee reflects on the vibrancy and authenticity that defined their first shoot by the river with model Danya. Inspired by Danya’s professed admiration for his work, the shoot was infused with a sense of vibrant enthusiasm that added depth to their creative process. Danya, described as a vibrant and multifaceted individual with a go-getter attitude and an infectious grin, brought her unique energy to the session, resulting in numerous powerful shots. Jason expresses the need to share more from their shoots together, recognizing the significance of their collaboration in capturing moments of beauty and authenticity. Through Jason’s lens, the essence of Danya’s vibrant spirit and their shared enthusiasm for creativity is immortalized, creating a visual narrative that celebrates the power of connection and artistic expression.

I really need to share more from my shoots with Danya. I was just looking at the website and noticed that I had only shared a bit from one, so far! SO, here’s an installment from our first shoot together – down by the river. I learned on our drive out that Danya was already a fan of my work (“I f***n LOVE YOUR WORK!!!”) she said. I think because of that, there was a vibrant enthusiasm that added deepness to our shoot. So many powerful and authentic shots to share…

Jason Lee

black and white art nude Idaho

Sing It Louder


Kim and Jason Lee of Genesis Photography embarked on a hiking and modeling shoot in Idaho, exploring the natural splendor of an alpine lake, framed by ancient trees, formed by a long-erupted volcano. They found inspiration amidst the waterfalls, marveling at the magnificence of nature and emphasizing the beauty of existing within it.

Idaho has such natural wonders! It is such a pleasure to get out for a hike and model shoot on a beautiful alpine lake! Kim and I hiked down to this beautiful area, formed long ago from the breaking of a volcano’s cone and now filled with crystal blue water and ancient trees. The natural setting and waterfalls inspire one to be free and whole in one’s skin – breathing in the air of God’s creation and experiencing the sun on your back – what a wonderful world we inhabit.

Jason Lee

city park nude

Open Up My Eyes


During a summer shoot in a busy Boise park, Jordan’s confidence shone through the natural smoky lighting. Despite initial surprises, an encounter with a supportive onlooker, a pregnant woman who embraced nudity, added a pleasant twist to the successful river photoshoot.

Jordan has a great freedom and confidence that is endearing. This city park nude shoot was really fun. When Jordan got in the river, we met a nice pregnant lady who enjoyed watching our shoot. She was soaking her feet in the cool water and shared with us that nudity was so much more common and accepted where she grew up in northern Europe. She was glad we were out there taking advantage of a great afternoon.

Jason Lee

Brightest Star


Model Joy’s dream of a hotel boudoir shoot in a boutique suite became a reality with the help of photographer Jason Lee. Utilizing a connection to secure the perfect location, they embarked on a creative journey to bring Joy’s vision to life. Amidst the confines of the suite, they expertly played with light and dark, capturing moments of intimacy and allure. Through Jason’s lens, the result was a series of photographs that exuded elegance and sophistication, showcasing the beauty of Joy’s dream realized in every frame.

Joy had always wanted a hotel boudoir shoot in a boutique suite, and as she had a connection who could provide it, she asked if I would help bring her dream to reality. Here’s the result of a fun shoot working with confined spaces, playing with light and dark.

Jason Lee

bodypaint nude

Let Yourself Be Found


In a bold and creative endeavor, Jason Lee transformed Harlee’s presence into a majestic representation of a tigress. With intricate body painting, they adorned her nude form with striking tiger stripes, each stroke accentuating her natural contours and radiance. As her curls cascaded down to her shoulders like a mane, Harlee embraced her role with fierce elegance and grace. Through Jason’s lens, the fusion of Harlee’s untamed spirit and the raw power of the tiger came to life, creating a captivating visual narrative that celebrated the beauty and strength of both woman and beast.

Harlee has a great intensity to her. It’s matched by stillness and calm – like a tigress.

Out Until Dawn

In Erin’s own words, shooting nude with Genesis is exhilarating, freeing and highly recommended. Check out this video for more!

Vision that Gives Me Sight


Accompanied by Audrey, a talented photographer, Jason Lee embarks on a day trip expedition to explore picturesque locations. Spontaneously, Audrey steps in front of the lens, merging laughter, hiking, waterfalls, and friendship into a delightful adventure. Their shared passion for photography intertwines with the beauty of nature, creating memorable moments captured through Jason’s lens.

Audrey is an amazing photographer in her own right. One day she asked if we could hit the trail together and check out some locations I had told her about and then she volunteered herself to jump in front of the camera. Amazing laughs, hiking, waterfalls and friendship!

Jason Lee

This is the Day


Model ErinK joins photographer Jason Lee to explore an enchanting one-lane bridge over a serene river during golden hour. Despite the bustling surroundings, Erin’s professionalism shines through, complemented by her infectious laughter and radiant smile, creating a memorable shoot amidst nature’s tranquil beauty.

Erin and I went and checked out this amazing old one lane bridge over a little river. It was golden hour, but boy was the area busy! She was a pro and has an infectious laugh and smile.

Jason Lee

Erin’s thoughts?

I feel so liberated in my own body! 10 out of 10, I recommend!


Here’s a video interview I did with Erin. Her smile is so beautiful!

In the Colors of Your Goodness

MODEL / Dani

In the harsh light of a canyon with sparse foliage, Jason Lee and Dani adapted creatively to their surroundings during their artistic nude shoot. With the sun beating down, they sought refuge in the shade provided by rocks and the occasional scraggly bush or tree. Despite the challenging conditions, they embraced the opportunity to innovate, using the natural elements to their advantage. Against this rugged backdrop, they found moments of beauty and serenity, capturing Dani’s form amidst the contrasting play of light and shadow. Through Jason’s lens, their resourcefulness and adaptability were immortalized, transforming the limitations of their environment into opportunities for creative exploration and expression.

Can Life Be New

MODEL / Hannah

“[Modeling nude] is the most powerful thing to do.” – Hannah

Discover the empowering journey of Hannah, shared through intimate conversations with photographer Jason Lee. Delve into her experience overcoming personal battles post-sexual assault, reclaiming confidence through nude modeling. Explore themes of vulnerability, self-love, and societal perceptions in this compelling interview series.

Hannah is a treasure. We have worked together on several occasions and on the drive out to our most recent shoot, I got to ask her a few questions and she agreed to allow me to record our conversation and share it. She wanted to share with me about how the experience of shooting nude with Genesis Modeling and Photography has helped her overcome personal battles following sexual abuse. It was a long conversation and so we’ll break it up into a few chapters. We talk about some heavy topics, so if that triggers you, be forewarned. Hannah and I were privileged to shoot together on multiple occasions and this interview is excerpted from an audio-recorded session.
Jason Lee

Here are some excerpts from our interview:

Jason: Can you describe how shooting nude helped you after being assaulted? You called it something like “taking back who you are?

Hannah: I think after [the assault] happens you kind of lose a sense of yourself, and you just kind of think like, okay, well if that’s all I’m really going to be used for, then maybe that’s all I’m only meant for…. It sounds kind of pitiful I guess, but at the same time, it’s like I went through something and came out basically feeling broken.

And so to be able to gain that confidence and vulnerability back in a good way, it’s just, it’s such a relief-feeling to know that you can still love yourself after that happened to you. That it was not your fault. And I think a lot of people that are victims of those things blame themselves, or they’re like, well, what if I just didn’t go to that party? Or what if I just didn’t have that drink? You know what I mean? And it’s being comfortable again with your body. Like literally, I could just never look at myself naked. It took so long for me to be to do that.

J: Why do you think that was?

H: I felt like it was my fault and I was stressing: how did I let that happen to me? And then I had to realize like a lot of things are out of my control and that I didn’t choose to have that happen. I needed to let it “break you or make you.” I told myself that it’s fine to have the grieving process, but you have to get on your feet sooner or later.

One of my friends is a rape victim as well. And it’s just crazy to think like how often it happens. And then when it happens to you, you reach out to other people and you find out that’s happening a lot more. It changes your perspective, I guess a little bit. So you don’t feel so alone.

J: So by sharing your story, embracing community, it gives you power over…

H: Yeah. It’s basically like, OK, you took that part away from me, but you’re not going to take away the rest. Like you’re not going to take me away from myself. Yeah, for a moment, you tore my identity apart, but now that I found out who I am, again, it’s like, you can’t touch me anymore.

If I can embrace nudity in a non-sexual way, then it’s like, what else is there to see? I think it’s very empowering for us to embrace being comfortable naked.

I think a lot of people are very immature and I admit that I also struggled with insecurity for sure, especially after what happened. I thought no one would ever look at me the same way if I told them what had happened. But being able to look at yourself in a better way – being able to see yourself naked pushes you to realize that it doesn’t really matter how the other people think. It’s how you feel about yourself.

J: Do you think that rape is more about the physical or about the emotional?

H: I think it’s definitely both. Personally, I feel like every rapist, even if they don’t want to extend it, they definitely feel remorse for what they did. Although there are some people that don’t feel that emotion like that, but I think the majority of people do understand that their actions cause pain. My rapist – He tried reaching out afterwards, like after a month and apologizing, but honestly, I just didn’t really want to hear it. I appreciate him understanding that what he did was wrong, but I don’t want any communication of that because it was his choice to do it.

I think people that feel the need to do that didn’t get the love that they needed growing up and they searched for it in the wrong way. They don’t get it from the ways that they’re searching either, because they go out and hurt someone and take away their happiness.

J: How do you think that society contributes to the environment of allowing or promoting rape?

H: I think it should be harder [on rapists]. So I think there’s the legal part where a lot of people that rape don’t get in trouble. It’s very rare for a rapist to go to jail, or anyway for a long time, or a real reprimand or consequence for their actions — whether it’s a female or male, you know, it can come from both ways.  So I think that because of the way you view community and sex and stuff like that, like if you go onto like porn sites, a lot of it — it’s very rough — like not what real sex is. And I think people that don’t experience healthy ways of experiencing sexuality and nudity and being subjected to nudity very often have a difficult time distinguishing what’s right and wrong when it comes to sex. I think society play a huge part in that though. Especially now, if you go on social media, it’s all about girls’ bodies. Like it’s never about like personality or who they are, which might sound cheesy. But like, I feel like nowadays people shop for girls — or men as well — like it’s very subjective.

And I think society needs to do a better job at allowing helpful nudity. So I feel like if we subject everyone to more nudity, I don’t think [sexualizing] nudity would be a huge thing anymore. Like rape would still happen obviously, but I don’t think it would be as severe as it is now.

J: That brings up an interesting question to me: Does sharing nude photographs on social media help people see more normalcy of nudity to you? Or does it add into that shopping culture?

H: I think it definitely depends on how the nudity is being portrayed because you can take two different types of nude photos. You can make sexual nudes, or you can take artistic nudes. Like a girl eating a banana while wearing lingerie is likely insinuating something there. But like, for example, your photo of me, nude near a waterfall, definitely not sexual, it’s just nude.

You know what I mean? Like there’s a difference between sex and nude. And I think we have a hard time distinguishing that in society. And as soon as they see a naked person, they’re like, Oh my gosh, sex, that’s the first thing we are taught to think about. But instead, why, like, why do we think that way?  Why can’t we think of it as just like an art form? And I mean, that’s what it is. We’re all born naked.

J: How did seeing yourself in the photos adjust your outlook?

H: I think a lot of what follows after sexual assault, is a lot of shame. And guilt. And I just wonder, like, why me? To get over that, you just really have to be vulnerable again with yourself. Like I literally never thought I’d be able to look at myself naked again, after the whole thing happened. And then like doing that shoot, I was like, why am I so scared? Like, I’m not going to die if I’m naked. Like nothing bad’s gonna happen!

J: What do you think the mental switch was?

H: I think I just stopped. Like I just stopped allowing my past to determine who I am as a person and as my future. I just allowed myself to embrace who I was and it just felt so good to just be who I was again. And being naked at our shoot was kind of like a turning point for me. I don’t know if it’s the vulnerability aspect or like having the ability to be in a safe place and feel that emotion as well and not be scared. It’s just a really great feeling.

J: Any closing thoughts?

H: I want more people to shoot nude! I don’t know why people don’t just go for it when considering a nude shoot. You know? Honestly, like it’s scary at first, and then when you do it, it’s just like the most powerful thing to do. And it’s just, why was I scared in the first place? It’s like not even worth being afraid about. It’s like everything worked out great. And you learn to love yourself again. 100%.

Stay Tuned for Chapter II.

24 Skies


Model Joy, alongside photographer Jason Lee, ventured to a secret location in Idaho for a photoshoot near the Sawtooth Mountains. Joy’s reaction to the resulting images was overwhelmingly positive; she found them stunning and they brought her immense joy, as evidenced by her enthusiastic response upon viewing them. Here was Joy’s reaction to the photos:

“I just looked at them and omg ? they are beautiful! I love then so much and they made me smile so much!!!”

Joy S

We Are Fire

MODEL / Hannah G

In the heart of a wintery canyon, Hannah G and Jason Lee embark on a daring photoshoot amidst freezing temperatures. Undeterred by the cold, Hannah fearlessly climbs rocks, embracing the adventure. After witnessing the stunning results, she expresses awe and gratitude, especially for conquering her fear and discovering newfound confidence. Enamored by the harmonious blend of shapes and nature, she embraces nudism with a fresh perspective, cherishing the art of creation and sharing it with others.

The backdrop: A fascinatingly unique water-and-wind-carved canyon that can only be accessed in the wintertime. Even though it was 22 degrees Fahrenheit, Hannah braved the weather, climbing rocks and bracing through the cold as we worked quickly through the area.

Jason Lee

Here are Hannah’s thoughts, after seeing the results:

“Sooo those pictures turned out absolutely amazing!!! I think a couple of my favorites would be of me on that rock that I was terrified of climbing! They look so good. Thank you for giving me the confidence to do it! I can’t get over how amazing they are! I love how the shapes just flow so well and there are a couple of other ones where I blend in with the rocks and it’s beautiful. I love sharing this art with people and creating it with people like you. I honestly never thought of nudism the way I do now and I’m so happy to be a part of the movement!”

Hannah G

Where’s My Soul?

MODEL / Janna G

Enduring a chilly and windswept morning, Janna G and Jason Lee embarked on an adventure to North America’s largest sand dune. Despite the harsh conditions, Janna’s resilience shone through as she delivered a deeply moving performance, channeling the raw emotions stirred by the rugged environment. Her heartfelt response to the shoot— “They turned out AMAZING!”— speaks volumes about the success of their collaboration. Through Jason’s lens, the beauty of Janna’s strength and the raw power of nature were immortalized, creating a series of photographs that captured the essence of their unforgettable adventure.

The More We Learn the Less We Know


In an abandoned rock quarry, amidst January’s embrace, Ashley Rose stands as a testament to resilience and determination. Undaunted by challenges, she fearlessly confronts them head-on, emerging victorious. Against a backdrop of sun-drenched snow and fur-lined splendor, Ashley’s spirit shines brightly, embodying strength and triumph as she captivates the lens with her undeniable presence.

Ashley is an overcomer who isn’t afraid to face her challenges, organize them and tackle each one until she is victorious. And she rocked it! Pun intended 😉

Jason Lee

Nothing wrong – and lots right – with a bit of public nudity

An Excerpt from an article by the New Zealand Herald by Vera Alves
(c) New Zealand Herald

Why are we so hung up on the unclothed human body?

Does any major trauma come from seeing a stranger’s intimate body parts?
If the answer is yes, you’ve really got to start asking yourself why.

[A] woman who spotted the naked swimmers in Taupō said she was “horrified” at the sight.

We need to get horrified at horrific things – and there’s no shortage of those around. Get horrified about child cancer, sexual abuse, climate change and the threat of deadly pandemics.

Nipples and penises should be the least of your worries right now.
“But won’t someone think of the children?” I hear the Karens wonder in the deepest recesses of Facebook.

Yeah, Karen, I’m thinking of the children. The children who are soon going to be adults and grow up with some really messed up views of what bodies look like, if we keep restricting them to the bodies they see on porn sites or in fashion magazines….

This repressed and archaic view of the human body as something to be hidden and ashamed of is nothing if not a form of oppression – and there are far too many people going along with it without questioning it.
Ask yourself: why do you have such a big issue with seeing people naked?
“It’s just not right” and “it’s not the done thing” are not good enough answers.

You’ve been predisposed to think bodies need to be hidden and nakedness is wrong – but here’s the good news: you can change that way of thinking and absolutely nothing bad at all will happen. Your children will not grow up to be depraved – if anything, they might just grow up more confident and empowered – and isn’t that a risk worth taking?

Besides, you’re getting upset at the wrong thing. The problem is not nudity. The problem is the over-sexualisation of the human body, which leads to all kinds of issues. But a non-sexualised naked body – and I think we can all agree there’s nothing “sexual” about breastfeeding a child or going for a swim on a hot summer’s day – should not be a cause for concern, yet it all gets dumped in the same “lewdness” basket.

In fact, “normalising” the regular human body can be a really good thing. If our children are to grow up with healthy views of what a normal human body is, we need to shed these archaic taboos.

If your child sees someone naked, they will have natural questions. It is part of your duty as a parent to ensure you address these properly. It gives you a golden opportunity to talk to them about things like boundaries, consent and respect for others.

The human body is not immoral – stop making it so….

Out of Mysteries


In the rugged ambiance of the Classic Junkyard, Jason Lee captures the multifaceted essence of Raven. With her piercing gaze and tough exterior, Raven exudes strength, yet beneath lies a heart of softness and warmth. Jason skillfully showcases her dynamic personality, highlighting her sense of humor amidst the vintage relics. Through his lens, Raven’s complexity shines, immortalized in a series of captivating shots.

Raven has a tough exterior, piercing eyes and a softness of heart. She’s got a great sense of humor, too!

Jason Lee

Honest Song to Sing

MODEL / Kaitlin

In collaboration with the bold and beautiful Kaitlin, Jason Lee captures a transformative journey of self-liberation. Reflecting on societal pressures to conform to narrow standards of beauty, Kaitlin bravely challenges these norms, recognizing her body as a sacred vessel rather than a source of shame. Through the empowering experience of shedding inhibitions and embracing her natural self, Kaitlin finds newfound freedom and confidence, defying societal judgments to reclaim ownership of her body and mind.

Here’s what she said about this shoot:

A few words on the experience… I’ve always been told that my body should be kept “sacred.” I’ve also been told that my body should look a certain way, that I will only be liked if my body fits a specific set of standards. I’ve spent my whole life trying to fit those standards and the ironic thing is that when I did, no one would have ever known that because I hid my body. I hid my body because I was taught it wasn’t ok to be shown and that if it was, I was creating a negative image for myself and was being “provocative.”
Through this experience, I was surprisingly able to let that all go and it was one of the most empowering experiences of my life. My body is a vessel for which my soul resides. It is nothing to be shameful about. It’s ironic because when my body fit society’s standards, I hid it. But now that my body has changed into something that can’t fit into a size 00, I was able to show it off more. That right there is amazing to me. Once you take away the judgments from society about a body being a sexual object and let yourself be free in your body, you feel free in your mind.


Are you Ready?