black and white art nude Idaho

Sing It Louder


Kim and Jason Lee of Genesis Photography embarked on a hiking and modeling shoot in Idaho, exploring the natural splendor of an alpine lake, framed by ancient trees, formed by a long-erupted volcano. They found inspiration amidst the waterfalls, marveling at the magnificence of nature and emphasizing the beauty of existing within it.

Idaho has such natural wonders! It is such a pleasure to get out for a hike and model shoot on a beautiful alpine lake! Kim and I hiked down to this beautiful area, formed long ago from the breaking of a volcano’s cone and now filled with crystal blue water and ancient trees. The natural setting and waterfalls inspire one to be free and whole in one’s skin – breathing in the air of God’s creation and experiencing the sun on your back – what a wonderful world we inhabit.

Jason Lee

Don’t Close Your Eyes


During their photography session, Brandi experienced a profound revelation. Engaging in discussions about the inherent beauty of the human body and God’s original intentions for humanity, Brandi underwent a transformation. As the shoot progressed, she tapped into a deeper understanding of her true self, allowing her authentic essence to shine through. Guided by Jason Lee’s vision and their meaningful conversations, Brandi embraced a newfound sense of empowerment and self-expression, culminating in a series of photographs that captured the essence of her journey towards self-discovery and acceptance.

I often have chats about the goodness of the body and God’s original plan for humanity and, towards the end of our shoot, Brandi really zoned into expressing her true self! It’s so beautiful to see a person exhibiting that truth.

Jason Lee