Daughters of Eve Photography Book by Jason Lee - Cover Art

Daughters of Eve, Volume 1


“Daughters of Eve” Volume 1 by Jason Lee is a captivating collection of artistic nude photographs spanning 2006 to 2012. Through Lee’s lens, women from diverse backgrounds embrace their natural form, defying societal norms and revealing the timeless allure of femininity. From all walks of life, each image celebrates the unique beauty of every Daughter of Eve. This anthology invites viewers on a journey of self-discovery and appreciation, highlighting the inherent strength and beauty found within each individual. 

It’s exciting to create this first collection of the early years of my work. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it!

Jason Lee

To purchase the book, click here.

artistic nude photo on a bullet-riddled old truck by Jason Lee

Let’s Go Higher


Embarking on a photographic adventure, Jason Lee and model Naddy stumbled upon an unexpected treasure trove of abandoned International Metro Milk Trucks while en route to their original shoot location. Captivated by the serendipitous discovery, they seized the opportunity to incorporate these unique relics into their creative vision. Against the backdrop of the rusty, shot-up panel van, Naddy provided a striking contrast, adding an element of allure and mystery to the scene. Embracing the spontaneity of the moment, they ventured into daring terrain to capture images that merged the beauty of the human form with the ruggedness of the abandoned vehicles. Through Jason’s lens, the fusion of Naddy’s presence with the forgotten remnants of the past resulted in a series of captivating photographs that celebrated the spirit of adventure and the power of artistic expression.

On our way to shoot at a spectacular (and unique) location, I accidentally passed the turnoff. When coming back, I happened to look down and see some old International Metro Milk Trucks that had been abandoned and shoved off of a cliff, down in a valley below. It looked like a perfect addendum to our shoot! I love contrasting models with scrapped classic cars, so we couldn’t pass up this providential opportunity. Naddy was a wonderful contrast to the rusty, shot-up panel van. How fun it was to join up for an adventure and risk some daring terrain to make some amazing art.

Jason Lee

black and white implied nude photograph Copyright Jason Lee

Meant to Live


To put it lightly, Beth was a little wary at the idea of shooting nude (“Nudity is not my scene,” she said), but she saw something special in my art and decided she would at least consider some implied nude shots. We met up at a local park and started off with some flowing outfits she had brought and used an ancient cottonwood tree for our first setting, then moved on to a country lane near a shallow river, discussing body positivity and the perfect beauty of God’s human masterpieces.

When we got to the river, Beth decided to risk a little more and ventured out in front of the camera into the breeze with only a large decorated scarf. Shortly, the fabric was flapping in the wind and Beth was dancing with exhilaration. She had discovered a new-found freedom, that of being nude in nature. Something changed in that instant and her fears were gone. The remainder of the shoot was filled with laughter and light, as her inhibitions at being nude were gone and she embraced her fullness as a beautiful creation of God.

Here’s what Beth had to say after our shoot: “I had so much fun! I LOVE THEM!!! I am so obsessed. My friends are so obsessed!! Those ones on the beach with the scarf are KILLER.”

And then a few weeks later, I got this sweet message: “Hey!! Just wanted to tell you that you’ve seriously changed my life! I’m SO comfortable with being nude now! I wanted to thank you because I feel so free now!”

We were meant to live in this life. I’m glad Beth has embraced that discovery!

Danya - artistic nude photo of a woman perched on the side of a river

Listen to the Sound


Recalling their dynamic collaboration, photographer Jason Lee reflects on the vibrancy and authenticity that defined their first shoot by the river with model Danya. Inspired by Danya’s professed admiration for his work, the shoot was infused with a sense of vibrant enthusiasm that added depth to their creative process. Danya, described as a vibrant and multifaceted individual with a go-getter attitude and an infectious grin, brought her unique energy to the session, resulting in numerous powerful shots. Jason expresses the need to share more from their shoots together, recognizing the significance of their collaboration in capturing moments of beauty and authenticity. Through Jason’s lens, the essence of Danya’s vibrant spirit and their shared enthusiasm for creativity is immortalized, creating a visual narrative that celebrates the power of connection and artistic expression.

I really need to share more from my shoots with Danya. I was just looking at the website and noticed that I had only shared a bit from one, so far! SO, here’s an installment from our first shoot together – down by the river. I learned on our drive out that Danya was already a fan of my work (“I f***n LOVE YOUR WORK!!!”) she said. I think because of that, there was a vibrant enthusiasm that added deepness to our shoot. So many powerful and authentic shots to share…

Jason Lee

Back to How It Was

MODEL / Hannah G

In Hannah G’s inaugural shoot, she and Jason Lee explored a captivating old dairy barn, lush meadows, and enchanting waterfalls. Serendipitously, they found a hidden hot spring, adding to the magic of the day. Little did they know then, this shoot marked a transformative milestone for Hannah, igniting a creative partnership that would flourish over time.

This was Hannah’s first shoot. We found amazing locations and as you probably know, I LOVE waterfalls! Over time, Hannah has become a muse with whom I have had the pleasure of working with on many occasions. What a great start to our friendship.

Jason Lee

You Are Golden


Navigating the Boise River, Briahna and Jason Lee venture to capture breathtaking body paint shots. Post-shoot, Briahna reflects on the experience, expressing gratitude for the fun-filled endeavor. Their collaborative effort yields stunning images, a testament to their shared creativity and adventurous spirit.

Here are her thoughts, post-shoot:

“Thank you. It was super fun. Took Forever to wash the paint out of my hair, but it was worth it!”


Where’s Your Heart At Now?


Embarking on a unique and daring adventure, KC Heart and Jason Lee dive into the bustling world of a busy library for a shoot filled with excitement and potential. With an adventurous spirit and readiness for the unexpected, they capture timeless and captivating juxtapositions, blending the beauty of the human form with the wisdom contained within the library’s tomes of literature and science.

This is a shoot I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but it takes the right kind of adventurer to pull it off! Busy library? Check. Potential for it to go sideways? Check. Ready to do it? Check!  KC and I hit not one, but TWO libraries to get these shots. Enjoy!

Jason Lee

Grow Where You Are


Nicole and Jason Lee embarked on an adventure to the Camas Prairie Nature Preserve, aiming to capture the famed purple flowers as a backdrop. Despite being too late for the blooms, they improvised, embracing the windy conditions and utilizing the swaying grasses for a captivating body paint shoot, resulting in stunning imagery amidst nature’s embrace.

I think Nicole makes a great looking super hero. She is definitely out here saving the day!

Jason Lee

Dreaming Out Loud


Braving the chill of the Great Boise Snopocalypse, we ventured into a winter wonderland to capture some truly magical moments. Despite the frozen streets and slippery conditions, our determination and sense of adventure prevailed as we made photographic history in the snow-covered parkland.

Amidst the frosty landscape, we crafted stunning shots that radiated E B’s unique energy and style. And as if on cue, God treated us to a glimpse of the beauty of the winter wonderland with the appearance of a majestic deer.

It was 15 degrees! Most people were staying indoors, but E B and I thought it was a fine time to navigate Snopocalypse through the frozen solid streets to a beautiful parkland. Mix in one part adventure, two parts motivation and we knocked out some stunning shots in the snow!

Jason Lee

 Ready to create more unforgettable memories together? Contact us.

Til I Read Your Lips


After months of occasional online correspondence, Dineka and Jason Lee finally align schedules for an unforgettable shoot. Despite living hours apart, Dineka’s impromptu New Year’s Eve visit to Boise provides the perfect opportunity to capture stunning images amidst the snow-covered landscape. Their collaboration amid the winter wonderland yields truly epic results, immortalizing the magic of the moment through Jason’s lens.

We got to shoot in the snow! Can you say epic? Check out this behind-the-scene snow cartwheel below! Dineka is a brave, fun and gutsy lady!

Jason Lee

Sing This to Me Slow


Exploring creative avenues with Ally, Jason Lee delves into experimental body paint for their shoot, one of her preferred ideas. Utilizing a “paint pour” technique with metallic and white biodegradable paints and glycerin, they craft visually stunning compositions. Jason finds joy in outdoor body painting, where art meets nature, leaving behind ephemeral masterpieces captured only in final photos, a testament to the beauty of temporary artistry.

When discussing options for our shoot with Ally, she said that the ideas that stood out to her most were experimental body paint and hot springs. In this post, I’ll share the body paint section. It turned out really cool! I did a “paint pour” style What do you think?

Jason Lee

Watching the Time


As Samsters adorned the mask, a transformation unfolded, akin to stepping onto a grand stage. In Jason Lee’s lens, her essence transcended, embodying a captivating presence that commanded attention. With each click, the mask became a conduit, channeling her innermost depths, unveiling a performance both enigmatic and enthralling.

After warming up with a few photos, we moved on to getting Sam completely covered in silver paint. I then placed a Harlequin mask in her hands and she took 20 paces down the beach. When she placed the mask on her face, it was like she’d stepped out onto the stage… She was a totally different person.

Jason Lee

When I Look at the Stars

MODEL / Katie and Crystal

Katie and Crystal, real-life sisters, embark on a unique photoshoot adventure with Jason Lee. Embracing the bond of sisterhood, they bare both their bodies and their souls amidst the forest’s embrace. Their laughter echoes through the trees as they revel in the joy of shared experiences and sisterly connection, creating unforgettable moments captured in Jason’s lens.

When Katie and I worked together previously on her “best shoot ever!” we talked about creating a future shoot that would involve her sister Crystal. What a great idea! Here are the results of that discussion. Two sisters, both wearing their birthday suits and frolicking around the forest. Think they had fun?

Jason Lee

Honest Song to Sing

MODEL / Kaitlin

In collaboration with the bold and beautiful Kaitlin, Jason Lee captures a transformative journey of self-liberation. Reflecting on societal pressures to conform to narrow standards of beauty, Kaitlin bravely challenges these norms, recognizing her body as a sacred vessel rather than a source of shame. Through the empowering experience of shedding inhibitions and embracing her natural self, Kaitlin finds newfound freedom and confidence, defying societal judgments to reclaim ownership of her body and mind.

Here’s what she said about this shoot:

A few words on the experience… I’ve always been told that my body should be kept “sacred.” I’ve also been told that my body should look a certain way, that I will only be liked if my body fits a specific set of standards. I’ve spent my whole life trying to fit those standards and the ironic thing is that when I did, no one would have ever known that because I hid my body. I hid my body because I was taught it wasn’t ok to be shown and that if it was, I was creating a negative image for myself and was being “provocative.”
Through this experience, I was surprisingly able to let that all go and it was one of the most empowering experiences of my life. My body is a vessel for which my soul resides. It is nothing to be shameful about. It’s ironic because when my body fit society’s standards, I hid it. But now that my body has changed into something that can’t fit into a size 00, I was able to show it off more. That right there is amazing to me. Once you take away the judgments from society about a body being a sexual object and let yourself be free in your body, you feel free in your mind.


Are you Ready?

Break the Silence


Despite the dreary skies caused by fires across the Pacific Northwest, Jason Lee and model J find beauty amidst the haze. The smoke acts as a natural light box, casting a soft, diffused glow that enhances the colors and features of both the environment and the model. In this unique setting, they capture stunning images that transcend the atmospheric conditions, showcasing the resilience and allure of their collaboration.

J’s beauty rises amidst the smoky skies. I love her spunky attitude!

Jason Lee

With Golden Skin


In a mesmerizing blend of artistry and nature, Jason Lee captures Lindsey adorned in full gold body paint, traversing the snow-covered landscape. Against the backdrop of the transitioning seasons, the remnants of winter melt away, symbolizing the emergence of spring’s renewal. As Lindsey embodies the essence of a golden beauty, reminiscent of the iconic imagery from a James Bond film, Jason’s lens immortalizes the ethereal beauty of the moment. With each step, Lindsey illuminates the snowy terrain, transforming it into a gilded canvas of timeless allure and cinematic splendor.

The Golden Girl walks through the snow. Check out the feature video we made, after the photos below.

Jason Lee

Prints available.

Pair of Wings


In a picturesque apricot orchard for their second shoot together, captured by Jason Lee’s lens, Alex shines amidst the gnarled trees and brisk winds. Their perfection harmonizes with the rustic beauty of the setting, creating a captivating tableau. The organic charm of the orchard serves as a sublime backdrop, enhancing Alex’s natural allure. With each shot, Jason Lee immortalizes a moment of serene beauty, where model and environment converge in perfect harmony.

Alex exudes dramatic flair. She has a piercing beauty that stops you from looking away. It was fun to work with her!

Jason Lee

Hope is the Anthem


Jason Lee showcases the captivating allure of an abandoned sharecropper cabin in his shoot with the multi-talented Miranda Forcier. Miranda, known for her skills in acting, modeling, and fitness coaching, brings a dynamic energy to the rustic setting. Against the backdrop of the weathered structure, Jason skillfully captures Miranda’s essence, highlighting her versatility and strength. The juxtaposition of Miranda’s vibrant presence against the backdrop of the aged cabin creates a visually striking narrative, showcasing the beauty found in both decay and resilience.

Aren’t abandoned buildings the coolest thing? I love finding relics like this. As long as we’re careful and respectful, we can get amazing shots in these locales.

Jason Lee

Be Found

MODEL / Caitlin

Model and Boise Influencer Caitlin Henning praises Jason Lee’s down-to-earth nature and passion for photography in their photographic collaboration. Despite spending ample time chatting before finding a shooting location, Caitlin admires Jason’s dedication to his craft and family. Hailing from Louisiana like Caitlin adds an extra layer of connection. Caitlin appreciates Jason’s ability to transform a simple concept into stunning fine art photography, resulting in captivating images captured during their shoot in the park.

Jason was super down to earth, and easy to talk with. I feel like we chatted for about 30 minutes before we even found a place to shoot. He is a family man and has a true passion for photography. (He is also from Louisiana, and those of you who know me, know that this is a plus. Who Dat? His photography is beautiful fine art. We collaborated on an idea; one dress and a few spots in the park later…he captured rad images!

Caitlin Henning

Set Sight and Set Sail

MODEL / Madelene

In a determined collaboration, model Madelene braves the rain alongside photographer Jason Lee during her debut shoot. Undeterred by the weather, they press on, capturing moments of raw beauty amidst the raindrops. For Madelene, this shoot holds special significance as her first venture into modeling, and her determination shines through. Despite the challenges, they persevere, embracing the elements to create captivating images. Through their partnership, they turn an unexpected turn of events into a memorable experience, showcasing Madelene’s resilience and passion for the art of photography.

It started raining while we were shooting. We didn’t stop.

Jason Lee