Model Joy, alongside photographer Jason Lee, ventured to a secret location in Idaho for a photoshoot near the Sawtooth Mountains. Joy’s reaction to the resulting images was overwhelmingly positive; she found them stunning and they brought her immense joy, as evidenced by her enthusiastic response upon viewing them. Here was Joy’s reaction to the photos:
“I just looked at them and omg ? they are beautiful! I love then so much and they made me smile so much!!!”
In the heart of a wintery canyon, Hannah G and Jason Lee embark on a daring photoshoot amidst freezing temperatures. Undeterred by the cold, Hannah fearlessly climbs rocks, embracing the adventure. After witnessing the stunning results, she expresses awe and gratitude, especially for conquering her fear and discovering newfound confidence. Enamored by the harmonious blend of shapes and nature, she embraces nudism with a fresh perspective, cherishing the art of creation and sharing it with others.
The backdrop: A fascinatingly unique water-and-wind-carved canyon that can only be accessed in the wintertime. Even though it was 22 degrees Fahrenheit, Hannah braved the weather, climbing rocks and bracing through the cold as we worked quickly through the area.
Jason Lee
Here are Hannah’s thoughts, after seeing the results:
“Sooo those pictures turned out absolutely amazing!!! I think a couple of my favorites would be of me on that rock that I was terrified of climbing! They look so good. Thank you for giving me the confidence to do it! I can’t get over how amazing they are! I love how the shapes just flow so well and there are a couple of other ones where I blend in with the rocks and it’s beautiful. I love sharing this art with people and creating it with people like you. I honestly never thought of nudism the way I do now and I’m so happy to be a part of the movement!”
In an abandoned rock quarry, amidst January’s embrace, Ashley Rose stands as a testament to resilience and determination. Undaunted by challenges, she fearlessly confronts them head-on, emerging victorious. Against a backdrop of sun-drenched snow and fur-lined splendor, Ashley’s spirit shines brightly, embodying strength and triumph as she captivates the lens with her undeniable presence.
Ashley is an overcomer who isn’t afraid to face her challenges, organize them and tackle each one until she is victorious. And she rocked it! Pun intended
Braving the chill of the Great Boise Snopocalypse, we ventured into a winter wonderland to capture some truly magical moments. Despite the frozen streets and slippery conditions, our determination and sense of adventure prevailed as we made photographic history in the snow-covered parkland.
Amidst the frosty landscape, we crafted stunning shots that radiated E B’s unique energy and style. And as if on cue, God treated us to a glimpse of the beauty of the winter wonderland with the appearance of a majestic deer.
It was 15 degrees! Most people were staying indoors, but E B and I thought it was a fine time to navigate Snopocalypse through the frozen solid streets to a beautiful parkland. Mix in one part adventure, two parts motivation and we knocked out some stunning shots in the snow!
Jason Lee
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After months of occasional online correspondence, Dineka and Jason Lee finally align schedules for an unforgettable shoot. Despite living hours apart, Dineka’s impromptu New Year’s Eve visit to Boise provides the perfect opportunity to capture stunning images amidst the snow-covered landscape. Their collaboration amid the winter wonderland yields truly epic results, immortalizing the magic of the moment through Jason’s lens.
We got to shoot in the snow! Can you say epic? Check out this behind-the-scene snow cartwheel below! Dineka is a brave, fun and gutsy lady!