Still Spinning in a Race

MODEL / Brooke

In a dynamic collaboration, model Brooke takes on the role of a superhero in a shoot orchestrated by photographer Jason Lee. With her commanding presence and magnetic charisma, Brooke embodies the essence of a powerful and fearless hero. Against vivid backdrops and dramatic lighting, Jason’s lens captures Brooke’s transformation into a symbol of strength and courage. Through their partnership, they bring to life the thrilling world of superheroes, showcasing Brooke as the perfect candidate for the role. With each click of the shutter, Jason immortalizes Brooke’s persona, creating images that inspire awe and admiration.

Brooke was the perfect candidate for this super hero shoot. She was part of the dynamic trio brought on by Kylie.

More than Failed Attempts to Fly


In the midst of nature’s elements, Autumn stood tall, facing the deep, rushing river and the swirling wind with a seasoned composure. Accompanied by a friend during their hike to the riverside shoot location, Autumn initially kept to herself. However, as she disrobed and immersed herself in the surroundings, a transformation took place. Slowly but surely, Autumn embraced the essence of the shoot, reveling in the sensation of the wind caressing her skin and the rush of water against her legs. Through Jason Lee’s lens, her journey from reservation to immersion was captured, a testament to the beauty of embracing the natural world and one’s own vulnerability.

I love the intensity Autumn shared with us, as viewers. She didn’t say much with words, but she spoke strongly and powerfully with her whole self.

Jason Lee