Tell Me Tomorrow has Come

MODEL / Miranda

In a captivating exploration of emotion and form, Jason Lee captures Miranda’s nude figure adorned solely in transparent fabrics. Against a simple white studio backdrop, the interplay of fabric and skin becomes a canvas for Miranda’s expressive range. Each fold and drape of the fabric adds depth and dimension to the composition, enhancing the evocative nature of the images. Through Jason’s lens, Miranda’s vulnerability and strength converge, creating a poignant visual narrative that transcends and unites.

In Miranda’s hands, fabrics can change the whole atmosphere.

Jason Lee

Back to How It Was


In the transient beauty of Boise’s evolving landscape, Jason Lee captures the timeless allure of Miranda amidst a striking array of giant boulders. Uncovering hidden gems nestled beside a bustling main road, Jason seizes the opportunity to immortalize this fleeting scene before progress transforms it forever. Miranda’s presence amidst the rugged rocks lends a sense of ethereal grace to the images, emphasizing the juxtaposition between nature’s enduring splendor and the fleeting nature of human intervention. Through Jason’s lens, the impermanence of the moment is preserved, inviting viewers to cherish the beauty of the present before it fades into memory.

I’m always on the lookout for a great location. This pile of giant boulders was hiding in plain sight and a few weeks later, these beautiful rocks were gone, turned into landscape features. Here today, gone tomorrow, so shoot it today!

Jason Lee

Do you have a location you want to share? Contact us!