Amidst the serenity of an Idaho summer morning, Jasmine and Jason Lee embarked on an adventure into the depths of an abandoned train tunnel. Immersed in the cool shadows of forgotten history, they explored the eerie yet captivating atmosphere together, capturing moments of mystery and wonder amidst the echoes of the past.
Supposedly, railroad tracks are cliche’ when it comes to photography, but railroad tunnels? That’s next level! 🙂
Jason Lee’s photography session with Brigette becomes a testament to navigating emotions through art. Despite years of scheduling attempts, their shoot finally aligns on a rainy day. Undeterred by the downpour, they embark on a wet hike to a steamy river location. However, Brigette’s unexpected decision to remain clothed instead of proceeding with artistic nudes poses a dilemma for Jason. Faced with disappointment and disillusionment, Jason confronts his emotions, ultimately choosing to embrace the day’s somber atmosphere as their thematic backdrop. The resulting images encapsulate the raw intensity of their shared experience, inviting viewers to connect with the emotional journey captured by Jason’s lens.
Standing there dripping wet — after setting aside a full day to shoot and planning this off and on for three years — I wanted to give up. Honestly, I was feeling a lot of negative emotions. I like to use this shoot as an example sometimes of how you can work through your own emotions as a photographer through art. The effects of the gloomy day were working on both of us, so we decided to use those powerful emotions as our theme. Can you feel it in the images?